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这学期要忙起来了| Getting busy this semester

Blog Rotar 14年前 (2011-01-15) 2210次浏览 0个评论




—————————–Lang Sep————————————

The busy semester has started and we are having two reports to hand in in the second week with another two assignment to do in the following weeks. I would also need to work on my project as well as my postgraduate application.

Because of all the aforementioned tasks, this blog will not be updated frequently.

BTW, I’m pretty amazed at the behaviors of some group of people here in Preston. According to what they have done, it isn’t difficult to classify them as ‘drunkard’. Singing loud, peeing by the street and smashing garbage bins, this is like their daily routine after drinking too much in bars. With the great help of these people, the 4 of our trash bins have been changing locations daily.

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