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Python 笔记01| Notes about Python 01

Mobile phone Rotar 15年前 (2010-12-02) 2793次浏览 4个评论

I’ve been working on Python these days and here are some notes for it:

  1. Python中不支持在string.find(str)中使用正则表达式,即str只能是string。
    str in string.find(str) can not be a regular expression, it should be a string.


  2. 使用for i in range(a,b)时,i的值可以等于a到不b-1而不会等于b。同理对于i[a:b]会截取i的第a至b-1个元素。
    In Python, any operation involving a range of a to b means the value can be from a to b-1.
    for i in range(0,2)
    print i
    print a[3:7]


  3. 当已知一个字符的Unicode编码时,例如a=”u4eba”,可以通过unichr()和int()将其转换为相应字符的Unicode形式即b=”u4eba”
    When you know the unicode number of a charactor, you can get the corresponding character by using unichr() and int().
    a=r’u4eba’ #a is a string with 6 characters, the last 4 characters represents the unicode number of a chinese character “人”.
    b=int(a[2:7],16) #Converting string to an decimal integer using base 16
    c=unichr(int) #Find the corresponding unicode charactor of the number
    print a
    print b
    print c

    #20154 #<--This is the decimal number for hex num '4eba' #人 [/python]

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  1. 你是学计算机嗒? 那些是编程么?好难好复杂啊...你都能背下来?
    小雪=3=2011-04-08 01:48 Reply 未知操作系统 | 未知浏览器
    • 是编程的……不过只是兴趣爱好,专业是电子工程OTL
      Rotar2011-06-22 01:45 Reply 未知操作系统 | 未知浏览器
  2. @ @.....晕头.....不懂...
    雪の嗳嗳ぺ2011-01-01 04:13 Reply 未知操作系统 | 未知浏览器
    • 俺看Spanish也是……@_@晕头不懂
      Rotar2011-01-02 17:37 Reply 未知操作系统 | 未知浏览器