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Many things to work on…

Blog Rotar 15年前 (2010-11-16) 2509次浏览 0个评论

As I’ve only started using WordPress for few days, it seems that there are many things to work on.

I’ve came across many blogs to learn about posting and arranging the layout and found that most of them are displaying excerpts rather than the original article on their homepage. This is surely a good idea because:

  • It makes the page more tidy.
  • It increases the number of visitor on each post. They need to press <continue reading> to know the detail.

I decided to use this on my site and therefore googled it to get the information. The solutions are:

1. Use ‘more’  tag in the post.

Script: <!–more–> (Note there are 2 ‘-‘ before and after ‘more’).

2. Install a plugin such as wp-utf8-excerpt.

3. Modify the index.php of your theme.

I’m kind of lazy person so the first approach is currently used in my site. However, it will be troublesome because the tag can only be added manually. I will try to learn and apply the third one in the future.

BTW, I some how discovered that my WordPress admin panel is working on Chrome now.

P.S. Something strange happened to this post, it was much longer than it is now because most of the words disappeared when I published. I had to decrease the words and layouts to prevent that from happening. Hope it never happen again.

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