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嗯…还是 PMangar | Yeah…PMangar Again

Blog Rotar 13年前 (2012-07-06) 3387次浏览 0个评论

上次提到了 PMangar 会占用大量内存而导致浏览器崩溃,于是经过测试了各种清理内存的手段之后,决定还是放弃这方面的优化。虽说根据 Kindle 的浏览器配置文件wrs.ini来看默认设置是内存达到70MB的时候重启浏览器,但是实际使用总感觉70MB来得太快了……如果漫画本身是双页的,那么貌似不到10页就重启了,初步结论是变量清空(blah=””)对实际内存占用并没有神马影响。


————————Lang Sep————————–

Finally an English version post after a long time, well, this is simply because the Chinese version of the post is not so long so the rephrasing work will not trigger the limit of my laziness.

So lately I’ve been improving the online manga viewing website – PMangar, which is now almost working to my expectation. After a lot of logical improvements and the enhancement of Javascript, jQuery and some ugly UI designing, the site is now capable of basic features like manga searching, preloaded image viewing and keyboard shortcut. Even though more functions are going to be added, there is one major problem that I need to fix for now: the restart of the browser when memory limit triggered. Up to the latest version,  all data are stored in the cache and, after the restart, will be completely gone. The user will have to start from the first page and repeat all the inputs to get to the last page before the sudden death of the browser.

Therefore, I’m planning to utilize the Cookies of the browser and put the info needed for crash store in it. It might even be a good chance to have a taste of the MySQL database and try to implement some simple signup,login and comment system.

That’s me.

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