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学校图书馆真吵| University library is really noisy

Life Rotar 14年前 (2010-11-22) 2294次浏览 0个评论



稍微有些出乎意料的是,纵使墙上黑白分明地写着“QUIET”,真正注意到的人却是不多,Ground Floor的大厅颇有些人声鼎沸的感觉。咋一想也能理解,新生刚到来时总会有些兴奋,有些喧哗可以理解,便也没有什么别的想法。未曾想到的是日子渐渐过去,噪音却未曾减小,嬉笑的,聊天的,打情骂俏的,甚至美声合唱的都已不再新鲜。放眼望去,也并未看出人们有什么意见,仅仅是继续做自己的事,也看不出任何愤怒的情绪,就好似习以为常一般。无奈,只得理解为国外学校的一种习俗了。


————————Lang Sep————————

It’s really a tough task to translate the previous post to English without losing its meaning. Therefore I’m just going to rewrite in English and provide a brief idea.

In my opinion, the library of UCLan is the most noisy one among all libraries that I’ve ever been to in my life. This is possibly due to the education we received in China told us to be quiet in libraries.

However, there are signs telling people to be “QUIET” but none of them seems to be working. People are laughing, giggling, chatting and even singing all around while none of the others take any action to stop this. Hence I suppose that this is a custom in the UK and I shall try to get along with it. However, I do not think it is a good thing to learn and do.

Whatever, these are currently my only complaints about this “exotic culture” and everything else seems fine.

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