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在线音乐电台网站推荐 | Online Music Radio Websites

Music Rotar 12年前 (2012-12-07) 4139次浏览 0个评论


It’s been a while since my last blog about music so here’s one to fill that gap. I’ve been listening to music online lately mainly for the purpose of seeking for new songs. In the past I’ve tried grooveshark which provides online music playing service and I would always play all the songs in the ‘Popular’ list to find out new songs that I like. It’s been useful since I managed to find about 3 albums that fits my appetite. However, the song list remained almost unchanged for several months and I realized it’s time to try some thing else.


Then I found jango, which I believe to have already visited several years ago when I visited Hawaii. The nice thing about it is that you’re able to hear songs you are very likely to appreciate with a few clicks. And the radio station can be tailored little by little to meet exactly your need. Beside the website, Jango also has its iOS App that can be used on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad without cost. You can therefore listen to and modify your stations on your handheld device conveniently. You are also able to remove the ads in the app by linking your jango account with your facebook account, which unfortunately is unavailable here in China.

Edit (2020.06):


Say no more ;) You should be able to find almost all English songs on Spotify. It is also free (with ads).


There are of course other English online music websites available, please feel free to share with everyone in the comment. :)


Edit (2020.06):

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