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Another long time no see.

Blog Rotar 15年前 (2010-11-12) 2017次浏览 0个评论

It really been a while since my last visit to my blog. I didn’t really enjoy blogging because all my effort seems to have little value. I don’t have anyone else visiting here because I simply told no one.

I guess it’s time to make some changes. It is a good way to practice writing at here and the feeling that some how this blog will be found by some one else should become a motivation. I’ve always wanted to form the habit of writing diary. However, I never made it. 

Although I’m rather good at using English, the languages that comes from me are still not authentic enough. I may have some talent in language so I’m confident that my English can be improved greatly.

The Bachelor’s day has just passed and the weather is getting worse. Strong wind howled out side my window blowing away the warmth that I gathered. I’ve never had such an experience in my memory since I spent most of my life in Shenzhen, a city that never snows. This is my first time to enjoy the coming of a snowy winter and I’m really excited.

Apart from my living condition, there are loads of things to study in my major. We have much to keep in mind and most of them need to be obtained my ourselves because all lecturers talk about only some key points of the subjects. Another thing is the project, which is considerably important in my college study.

Oops. It’s really late so I’d better go to bed now.

Good night and have a nice dream!

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