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Instructions on connecting to UCLan-Wireless on your mobile (Mainly S60v3)


Edit (Jan 31 2019): Some of the information on this page is outdated. For example, the UCLan links no longer work, all screenshots are lost, and most likely no one is using Symbian anymore. However, the steps should be able to provide with an insight into how the connection works.

Notice: Before you start, make sure your mobile phone has the Symbian 60 3rd system. If you are using Windows Mobile, please click HERE for instructions. Or you can wait for this page to be updated with relevent information (not happening). If you find this page useful and want to share it with others, please use reference.

注意: 请确保你的手机使用的是塞班第三版 (S60v3) 系统。 如果你是Windows Mobile用户,请移步这里或者你也可以等待此页面对WM的更新(时间待定)。 本页面乃是俺心血所制,若是要引用还请注明出处。

另,以下全文暂用英文,算是练习写作,中文版暂时无法供应。 也请读者顺便练习一下英文阅读吧。


1. Getting the certificte for the security protocal.

UCLan has been using 802.1x security protocal for a while and it is different from WEP or WPA. The most difference lies on the certificate or smart card which are not normally used. The ‘UCLan-Wireless‘, however, requires a certifitate called ‘UTN-USERFirst-Hardware‘ which can be downloaded at HERE AT UCLAN WEBSITE (ZIP file) or Here if you trust me (Cer file). There’s no way to use the WiFi hotspot without it no matter how hard you try.

1.1 Now you have the magic spell, put it (CER file. If it is zip, PLEASE UNZIP.) into your phone and open it.

Inbox File Mgr.

You can either transfer it to your phone via bluetooth or put it on the memory card. The former would show the file in the Inbox while the latter requires you to use File Manager on your phone.

If you are downloading the cert from your phone, the zip file can be opened directly by Zip Manager (As shown below.) You can then open the cer file.

Installation of the certificate. Installation of cert

1.2 Here’s the screens you will get when the cer file is being installed. Just accept every thing and tick the first two boxes when ‘Certificate uses:’ appears and it will be successfully installed as shown below.

Save cert. Save. Save? Save. Label. Press OK Tick the firt two boxes Cert saved

2. Setting up the connection on your phone.

2.1 Go to the setting of connections following the screenshots below. If there’s any difference, just use your brain to find what you need.

Menu Settings Settings Connection Destination Internet

2.2 If you already have ‘UCLan-Wireless’ in your list, skip this part and go to 2.3. In Netw. destinations, press ‘Options’ and follow these pictures.

Press 'New access point' 'Automatically check...' Yes. Select WLAN UCLan-Wireless Back to Internet list


2.3 Now select ‘UCLan-Wireless’ and enter the setting. The followed steps are as shown.

WLAN security mode Select 802.1x

Now click ‘WLAN security settings‘ and select ‘EAP‘ in ‘WPA/WPA2‘. Then click on ‘EAP plug-in settings‘ and make sure only ‘EAP-PEAP‘ is ticked.

WLAN security settings Select EAP Tick only EAP-PEAP

Press ‘Edit‘ when the ‘EAP-PEAP‘ is selected and set as follows. Make sure that you choose the ‘UTN-USERFirst-Hardware‘ as Authority certificate. Also be aware of the ‘User name in use‘, ‘Realm in use‘ and ‘Allow PEAPv2‘ because the default for these settings are different from what we need. The ‘Realm’ should be left blank.

You shall enter your User name on your library card into ‘User name‘.

EAP-PEAP settings EAP-PEAP settings EAP-PEAP settings

After the ‘Settings’ page of the ‘EAP-PEAP settings’ is done. Press ‘→’ using the navigation key and you will see the’EAPs‘ page. Tick only the ‘EAP-MSCHAPv2‘ and press ‘Edit‘ again.

Enter your User name again and your password.

EAPs. Tick only EAP-MSCHAPv2 EAP-MSCHAPv2 sett. Enter your User name and Password

3. Setting all finished. Now you can surf the Internet using ‘UCLan-Wireless’ on your mobile phone.

Connectivity UCLan-Wireless!


Please feel free to comment below ;)

If you are interested in connecting to ‘eduroam’, HERE is the link. Most of the settings are as same as those for ‘UCLan-Wireless’.


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