• Welcome to Rotar E@rth!
  • Feel free to look around and comment~
  • Tin - for a better fantasy life!
  • TinTimer - for an even better fantasy life!

Welcome to KaNeoRotar’s weblog!

This is a rather personal blog which is updated irregularly by KaNeoRotar. You can bookmark this blog as you like and even make friend with or contact the blog owner via links at the HOMEPAGE.

Blogger Profile:

Name: Neo
Birthday: 09/14
Gender: Male
Location: San Diego, CA
Interests: Badminton, Golf, Programming


表情 贴图 加粗 删除线 居中 斜体 签到


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  1. 好想要有舊版的Tin....
    tina2024-03-05 05:25 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome
  2. 您好,Rotar 我有一些授權上的問題想請教您 如果方便,還請回我電郵,萬分感謝
    lemon2021-07-21 11:05 Reply Windows 10 | Firefox浏览器 91.0
    • 请自行替换@: rotar#rotar.tk
      Rotar2021-07-21 13:12 Reply Windows 10 | Firefox浏览器 91.0
  3. 原來老大你也在美國!!!感謝分享如此好的插件
    Hello from dallas2021-06-12 04:15 Reply Mac OS X | Safari浏览器 604.1
  4. 球球老大出山吧,我们没有你不行
    星星2020-12-01 07:21 Reply Windows 7 | Chrome 86.0.4240.198
  5. 补丁完全失效,请问还会更新么?
    萌新2020-11-03 23:12 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome 86.0.4240.111
    • 目前没空,有空再说。
      Rotar2020-11-03 23:14 Reply Windows 10 | Firefox浏览器 83.0
  6. TinTimer 扩展技能栏图标失效了,请问会更新么?
    大蛇2019-12-20 06:39 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome 78.0.3904.97
  7. 大佬是不是 TinTimer的 扩展角色技能栏 技能图标丢失了?是周三更新的问题么?TinTimer后期会修复么?
    大蛇2019-12-20 06:24 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome 78.0.3904.97
  8. 请问大佬tintimer在win10系统上无法使用,提示安装最新directx。要如何解决这个问题?
    mysterious2019-12-11 00:39 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome 78.0.3904.108
    • 所以就装:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN/download/details.aspx?id=35
      Rotar2019-12-14 07:30 Reply Windows 10 | Firefox浏览器 72.0
  9. VASQRL观光团
    nidaye2018-01-22 02:11 Reply Windows 7 | Chrome 63.0.3239.132
    • 给dalao递茶!pass_poisonous_tea
      Rotar2018-01-24 01:51 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome 64.0.3282.100
  10. 大佬求勾搭 我的个人网站snowy.asia 还没来得及写个人简介
    若雪爱丽丝2017-11-16 08:10 Reply Windows 10 | Firefox浏览器 56.0
    • 给dalao递茶! OfferTea
      Rotar2017-12-05 02:50 Reply Windows 10 | Chrome 63.0.3239.59